Project 2025 Will Take Our Country Backwards
Donald Trump and Minnesota Republicans want to enact an extreme Project 2025 agenda that takes away our freedoms, threatens our democracy, and only benefits corporations and the wealthy.
Meanwhile, Kamala Harris and Minnesota Democrats are fighting to ensure that we have the freedom to make decisions about our own bodies, to vote, to love who we love, and not just to get by but to get ahead.
Project 2025 Will Take Away Our Reproductive Freedoms
As president, Donald Trump overturned Roe v. Wade, which eliminated Americans’ constitutional right to abortion, established over 50 years ago, and opened the door for Republicans in states across the country to ban and criminalize access to abortion care.
Since then, more than twenty states have enacted near-total or total abortion bans, including Minnesota’s neighbors in Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota. And during the 2023-2024 Minnesota legislative session, Minnesota Republicans even introduced an abortion ban and five abortion restriction bills that Minnesota Democrats blocked.
Trump has bragged about his role in overturning Roe v. Wade and promised to take further action to restrict abortion rights if given the opportunity.
In 2022, Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance, said that he “certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally.”
Project 2025 includes plans to ban the abortion pill and in vitro fertilization (IVF), allow states to monitor women who are pregnant, and take away coverage for birth control.
While Donald Trump and Minnesota Republicans are working to enact an extreme Project 2025 agenda that takes away our reproductive freedoms, Kamala Harris and Minnesota Democrats fought to protect abortion rights and are working to expand access to reproductive health care.
In 2023, Minnesota Democrats passed the Protect Reproductive Options (PRO) Act, establishing the right for every Minnesotan to make decisions about their reproductive health care, including the right to abortion, contraception, fertility treatment, and to carry a pregnancy to term.
Democrats also passed the Reproductive Freedom Defense Act to ensure that patients traveling to Minnesota for abortion care and their providers are protected from legal attacks and criminal penalties from other states that have banned abortion.
Project 2025 Puts Wealthy Corporations Over Working Families
While large corporations raise prices in order to post record profits, many working Minnesotans struggle to pay their bills and feed their families.
Instead of looking out for working families, Donald Trump and Minnesota Republicans want to enact a Project 2025 agenda that prioritizes corporate profits over Minnesotans’ needs.
During Trump’s previous presidency, Trump and Republicans passed a massive corporate tax giveaway and promised that corporations would boost wages and jobs. Instead, corporations went on a stock-buyback spending spree, gave their executives huge bonuses, and kept worker wages flat. Project 2025 would do more of the same.
In addition to giving massive tax breaks to big corporations, Project 2025 would cut Social Security benefits by raising the retirement age.
Unlike Trump and Minnesota Republicans, Minnesota Democrats are fighting to hold corporations accountable for raising prices and working to lower families’ costs.
When Minnesota Democrats fought to pass a new law to protect Minnesotans from hidden, burdensome, and excessive junk fees, Minnesota Republicans voted against it.
Minnesota Democrats passed a bill to prevent big pharmaceutical companies from price gouging the cost of prescription drugs that Minnesotans rely on. Minnesota Republicans opposed it.
And Minnesota Democrats fought back against Big Pharma to pass a law that caps co-pays for life-necessary medications and medical supplies like insulin, asthma inhalers, and EpiPens.
To build a better Minnesota for everyone, we need to build a better Minnesota Legislature by electing Democrats who will fight to hold big corporations accountable and protect our reproductive rights, and defeating Republicans who want to take away our freedoms and care more about big corporations than working people.