Minnesota Republicans Are Not Looking out for Working Families — Lori’s Story
Meet Lori, a school lunch worker from St. Cloud who has seen firsthand the negative impacts of hunger on kids at school.
While Minnesota Democrats are working to invest in public schools and deliver meaningful programs like universal school meals, Minnesota Republicans want to slash funding for public schools, putting students, teachers, and families at risk.
Minnesota Democrats passed a historic investment in public schools to provide more mental health support for students, reduce class sizes, and recruit and retain teachers. But Minnesota Republicans voted against it.
Minnesota Republicans also opposed a bill to fund literacy training for teachers, expand access to pre-k, and reduce student absenteeism.
And even though one in six Minnesota kids experience food insecurity, Minnesota Republicans opposed providing universal school meals for students.
To build a better Minnesota for everyone, we need to build a better Minnesota Legislature by electing Democrats who will fight for our families and defeating Republicans who care more about big corporations than working people.