Build a Better Minnesota Legislature
Republican candidate for State Representative in Chaska, Caleb Steffenhagen, wants to slash funding for public schools, give tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations, and ban abortion.
Minnesota Republicans Want to Ban Abortion
As president, Donald Trump overturned Roe v. Wade, which eliminated Americans’ constitutional right to abortion, established over 50 years ago, and opened the door for Republicans in states across the country to ban and criminalize access to abortion care.
Since then, fourteen states have enacted near-total or total abortion bans, including Minnesota’s neighbors in Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota.
And if Minnesota Republicans like Caleb Steffenhagen get their way, Minnesota will be the next state to ban abortion.
Even though the majority of Minnesotans want to keep abortion safe and legal, Minnesota Republicans voted against a 2023 law protecting and expanding access to abortion care.
In fact, between 2005 and 2022, Minnesota Republicans tried and failed to ban abortion 32 times. And during the 2023-2024 Minnesota legislative session, Minnesota Republicans introduced one abortion ban and five abortion restriction bills that were blocked by Minnesota Democrats.
Minnesota Republicans Want to Slash Public School Funding
Minnesota Republicans like Caleb Steffenhagen want to slash funding for public schools, putting students, teachers, and families at risk.
Minnesota Democrats passed a historic investment in public schools to provide more mental health support for students, reduce class sizes, and recruit and retain teachers. But Minnesota Republicans voted against it. Minnesota Republicans also opposed a bill to fund literacy training for teachers, expand access to pre-k, and reduce student absenteeism.
And even though one in six Minnesota kids experience food insecurity, Minnesota Republicans opposed providing universal school meals for students.
Caleb Steffenhagen and Minnesota Republicans also want to take funding away from Minnesota’s public schools and send it to unaccountable private schools with ineffective voucher programs.
Minnesota Republicans’ plan to underfund public schools means schools might have to cut classroom programs, lay off teachers, and increase class sizes. And that’s the last thing that students and teachers need right now.
Minnesota Republicans Won’t Hold Corporations Accountable
While large corporations raise prices in order to post record profits, many working Minnesotans struggle to pay their bills and feed their families. But instead of looking out for working families, Minnesota Republicans like Caleb Steffenhagen want to prioritize corporate profits over Minnesotans’ needs.
Minnesota Republicans opposed a bill to hold corporations accountable for price gouging the cost of essential goods and services.
When Minnesota Democrats fought to pass a new law to protect Minnesotans from hidden, burdensome, and excessive junk fees, Minnesota Republicans voted against it.
Minnesota Republicans also opposed a bill to prevent big pharmaceutical companies from price gouging the cost of the medications that Minnesotans rely on.
It’s clear that Minnesota Republicans care more about protecting the wealthy and big corporations than looking out for working families.
To build a better Minnesota for everyone, we need to build a better Minnesota Legislature by defeating Republicans who want to take away our freedoms, slash funding for our public schools, and care more about the wealthy and big corporations than working people.